Well today was my 1st day of work. Suprisingly my job wasn't what I expected. I had to move instruments from the back of the warehouse to the front and organize them by school. Then one school district had to be total assholes and specified what company of instruments they would accept. Of course all of the chosen brands were the ones that were the most difficult to find. My boss bitched about them for a bit. Then I moved into the mail room. I learned to use the postage meter and ship boxes via UPS. I got a letter jammed in the postage meter. The one college kid that worked there said that he has never been able to jam it. I felt like such an idiot. Then right after that my boss told me that she wouldnt suggest putting those big envelopes through there. Then my boss and the owner just stood there and bitched at each other. They did it for fun though. Everyone was really nice. Bill took me out to lunch b/c he drove me down. I slept about 1/2 way. I couldnt take it. It was too early. Well back to lunch. I got a deli sandwich at the cafeteria of the company next door. (That is where everyone from our company goes to eat. I guess we are supporting local businesses.) Then I did more mailroom stuff. The UPS system was on windows. I think it might have been 98. It was semi-shitty. I don't think anyone there knows how to use a computer. My dad is in charge of all the money and records of the company, but he can't even get admin rights on his DELL XP. I think that he should think about what he has done when he bought me an HP. I tried to log onto windows messanger so that I could talk to Ryan and Josh, but he didn't have admin rights to install the new version. Maybe I will go on AIM tomorrow. I told my boss that I will see her tomorrow. She turned to me shocked that I would say such a thing. I guess she was thinking that I would show up later next week. Well I am ready to go back tomorrow. Oh ya I found out from Ted (a coworker that today was his last day) that I make $6/hr. He also gave me a list of places that I could work and make more money than this place. He was really cool though. Well I am ready for work, except for this back pain and I'm exhausted.
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