well today i got my dsl finally. its soo awesome. i already downloaded a few pirated songs and i got knoppix for mason and i. all i got from him was that it was crazy. i hope that it is good. i havent had time to look at it yet. well tonight i went to a shindig at serenas. i took shane l. and chris c. i gave carey a bloody nose and just laughed the whole time at her. we got in trouble for jumpin from the tramp to the pool. then shane actually started the fire, even though it was during a downpour. it was quite amazing. then we went inside and played imaginif. it was strange. i think we just made up the rules as we went. when i was about to leave carey found a card that stated "which quote would you be?" one of the quotes was "'Speak Softly But Carry A Big Stick.' Teddy Roosevelt." i thought carey was going to die. she couldnt stop laughin. good times in havelkas. then i took the backroads home from the party to take shane home. justin had no idea where we were or what was going on. then i took justin and chris home. now im sittin here and talkin to jon about how IE screws everyone over by leavin shit on your comp for no reason.0 Comment(s)