well today i got to eat the 1st two periods in a row. it was nice. like 8 ppl in my french class got multiple croissants. honestly who does that? then i went to rottos where we ate our "eclair desserts." they arent choc eclairs, these are ghetto-style choc eclairs. then clark wasnt here today so it was exciting. we had mr carrington. he told us to do our work, but everyone finished yesterday so it was just funny. then today in gym i found out that i have 6.5% body fat. i was like hey thats cool. then when i was changin someone came up to me and touched my shoulder. i thought it was pat just trying to molest me like usual, but it was wallace. he told me to tell all women that i am 6.5% body fat. so i told mrs howells that i was next pd. she just laughed at me when i told her that i thought it was pat that was thought to be molesting me. so ladies now you know. next i had track where all we did was get our steps then stop and do plyo's. they were easy b/c she decided to do like nothing at all. we just talked to coons most of track today. it was an easy practice. then i was takin yourish and tomnay home and i had a good idea. i wanted to go and get a frosty. so i took yourish (since i already dropped off matt) to wendys. we just sat and talked while i ate my Lg frosty. i was soo happy, except that i kept getting brain freezes. it was worth it. then i took yourish home and came to talk to my sis, and i found that she was watchin family guy in my room so i just sat down and proceeded to watch. i fell asleep and here i am now. i have to go and finish studyin for mann's Julius Caesar test tomorrow. good bye and good night.
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