well, today was kinda fun. all though the rave was canceled by the administration, we still had it anways, cause we're all true ravers at heart. it was pretty fun. then after school i went to work, and there was a bunch of old people there. nothing too exciting ever happens at work. anyways, after work i went to engelhardt's show. it was pretty cool, his band wasn't too bad. then he had like a screamo part which dominated life. the second band wasnt that bad, but they're lead singer guy kinda sucked. the 3rd band was pretty good, but me and josh left to play dance dance revolution. sadly, people were usin it or whatever, so we talked to joe and salsa, cause they were just standing around doin nothin. then like nobody at all paid much attention to the last 2 bands, they just kinda sucked really bad. then i just went home, and now im here. thats the end.
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