Today... well today was just like bending over, and lettin' Pat get you up the ass. First off, none of my favorite teachers were here! I mean seriously, does Mr. Clark hate us? And We were stuck without our brave leader: Miss Mann; but we had Englehardt's mom as a substitute. We were quite bad in her class, and I feel bad for her. Chemistry was pretty fun, though. I'm lab partners with Bill Bryner, and Pat and Allysa Yourish are across from us. Yeah, we pretty much shitted around the whole time, and when it came down to it... I didn't know what the hell was going on. When I got home I decided to read some more of my book (It's called Left Behind, you should read it, but it can be a little to preachy for some people) but a hlaf hour into it I decided to sleep, because I was exhasuted the whole day. And well, here I am... I smell food. Hopefully dinner is done soon.
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