Today was a very important day for me. Today i went to get my driver's license. My appointment was at 12 so i got up at 1050 we left at 11 and got there about 1145, b/c mother needed coffee. But anyways i took the test, didnt make any errors and passed. When i was walking back in with the instructor the other instructor told us how this oriental lady almost killed him. She couldnt find the horn, drove on the wrong side of the road, and had no idea what // parking was, and when she came into the building she was screaming in her gay ass foreign voice" nbanm adfjadjkf akdlsjnaiwl;2 waejreuwa," DAMN CHINESE!!! So i got home and i helped my dad put tarp around our hottub so nobody can see us prancing around on our porch naked. Then i drove to Haschke's picking megan up on the way. After Haschke's we went to Josh Halls where we played some ping pong, video games, and drank hot chocolate. About 9 o'clock guess who shows up... SOME HOE. I hate know that shes even around me let alone an ears shot. So megan and i just played video games. We were doing real good until the ping pong ball his the system and froze the game. So we left, it was time anyways. When we were leaving i had to talk to the ho b/c she was like sitting on my coat. EWw drycleaners! I got home made my picks and decided to call it a night...
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