Well Sunday night, I ended up going to Mann's house. We hung out for a bit then Jess got hungry, so we did some cost analysis and ordered a pizza from Bogies's. Pete answered the phone and he said be there in five minutes. Well we got there and it was just getting in the oven. Oh ya and they were suppose to be closed. So then we went back to to the Mann house and ate the pizza and watched Spongebob with 7. Spongebob has to be the worst show for kids. 1st the episode where they swear was on. Then the one where they play tricks b/c they are invisible was on. During the 2nd episode they became un-invisible and then covered themselves b/c they were naked. Then they covered each other. HONESTLY WHY DOES SPONGEBOB WANT PATRICK'S CACK??? Jess and I couldn't stop laughing. So then Jess had to go and pick up her bro so she took me home and then I went to school the following day. So yesterday we started HTML in Clark's room. I was so excited. Then I went home and had no hw. It was so awesome. Oh ya I went to the boys soccer game. It was quite fun. There was more people there than usual, due to the fact that it was senior night. Then I came home and went to bed. Now for some bkgd. I have had a "cold" for the last couple days and I can't seem to get rid of it. Even with medication, the "cold" doesn't seem to want to go away. So I just keep coughing and coughing. Well again last night (like the night before, but it wasn't long enough to post about) I woke up and this time I was awoken by the coughing. So I went downstairs and got some wonderful tasting filtrated water. So I had a glass of water then tried to go back to bed. I had quite a time going back since I was coughing, so I took some more meds (even though i wasn't due for a couple hrs.) Well I made the attempt and finally got back to bed prob 20 mins later. It was terrible. Well now I am still coughing and I am pissed as hell. Well I am going to finish my breakfast then skidaddle off to school to take my PSAT's. I know what you are thinking... "SAT and PSAT all within the same week? He must be crazy." If that is what you were thinking, then by golly you were right. Well off I go.
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