Well today I had two exams. I had one in calc and one in physics. I saw deluca in the morning so I went straight to her room and I took my quiz. I couldn't do part of it because I didn't know my squared trig identities off by heart. So Chicachiopo (sp??? no one knows!) just kinda sat there and talked to Kristen Frankle. Then I turned it in and went to 1st pd and we had Carrington b/c Watts was getting ready for the field trip. Then 2nd I had physics and I had to get this test done. So I hurried through it kinda. It wasn't that hard anyways. Then I got to the math part. I was 1337 farked right there. It was terrible. I ended up getting negative answers, but I by this time I should have already left for the field trip. Well I left and went downstairs and Watts was just sitting there bullshitting as per usual. I was so stressed at this point. Then we rode the short bus to downtown. We ended up stopping in the strip district. I forced Tonya and Maria to go with me to Deluca's. It is an amazing place to eat. Then we left and the two girls got coffee at a coffee shop. Both drinks were terrible so we returned to store to buy some mints. They ended up being $2.75 for a pack of mints. Yuppy mints I guess. Then we went to the Maranda Hotel (or w/e it was) and listened to a Democrat talk for 1/2 straight then 1/2 of Q&A. I liked her, but the Repub girls did not. Then we went back to the school and filled out the paperwork for Talliani. I then went to 9th pd. I took notes and Brian just sat on his comp and looked on Fox as per usual. I got a few chuckles out of today's slideshow as per usual. I like that saying if you haven't noticed. Then I went to talk to Mann about student council stuff. Mason called and said to come down to YB. I went and no1 was there, so we roamed the school. Then we went and looked for Carey and Jackie R. told us she left awhile ago. So we just walked a bit more then left. We drove home and saw Carey running through my plan. Oh well. I stopped to talk to her and then Mason and I went to my house to start up the vette. I took him home and then took my sis to swim. On the way back I stopped at Kelsey's house to watch The Patriot. I watched an hr then forced Nate to move his car. I came home, ate, and studied. Now after this extremely long post, it is time for bed.
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