Well at work yesterday I screwed and order up and billed this lady an extra $150. Peggy said that you can just delete the order but for some reason I was pissed for the next two hours. Then the greatest thing of the day was that my work's fax machine gets SPAM! We get random advertisements. It really makes me chuckle. So I worked on the shitty non-user friendly computers. I did it though. My computer only locked up about 4 times. Each time it locks up your comp is usually down for 15 mins. Even if you shut it off and turn it back on it still is processing what happened. It was terrible. Then I went to Angie's last night b/c she was building a puzzle. I don't like puzzles but I tried to help anyways. Then I had to go and pick up my sis at her friend's house and I just brought her back to Ang's b/c I didn't feel like leavin yet since it was only 9. Well I am sitting here brushing my teeth so that I can get ready for work today. Well I'm off.0 Comment(s)