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well i have missed a few days. nothing really happened. well prom happened and it was amazing. well my gram came down to see me and get pictures with me. mother and sis took her out that morning to go shopping. then she came down and we went over to ashley's to get pictures. this was the 1st time i actually saw mikulans dress. it looked really nice. so we took like 20 pics at her house. i seriously didnt know how to take pictures, so my mom said put your arms around her waist. so i bent down and wrapped my arms around her waist. both of our moms and grandmas just started laughing at me. then i thought about it and laughed too. lori had to show me how to stand. how sweet. then we all went inside except the fathers. our parents just talked about random stuff mostly pertaining to school. they also discussed how much they all disliked beck. it really made me happy. then we (ashley and my fam) left and went to my sister's friends house to pick her up. britt wanted to see me, ashley, and the limo. once we got to the mann house there were more pictures to be taken. we had to wait for rueben and tiffany to get there for like 20 mins after we should have left. it was really getting out of hand. they finally got there and then we were off. we piled in and the driver took us directly to the Syria Mosque. as we walked in lil faith, pazman, and slomkowski was there. they all said hi and/or i said hi to them. well i just wandered around and said hello to all of the people that i knew. it was so much fun. (i know that it might sound lame but just saying hi to ppl is fun for me.) during this time i found jenna ladie. i barked at her like usual. she just laughed at me called me strange and said not to bark anymore. i guess she wanted to put the dog down or something. later on i found her and started to meow and she was like WTF. i just told her that the barking is over. she just laughed. i also got my pictures with jessie and olar. and boy it was swell. well i found my table and found out that rueben and tiffany sat awkward so that ashley and i were split up. honestly who does that. so i just moved their stuff down. then i took my glass that i got and went from table to table collecting the plastic dubloons for the needy. i was going to buy them new shoes, but it was really for after prom. when i sat down rachel was helping mark roll his sleeves up for the fruit cup that just came. then all the girls rolled their guys shirt sleeves up for them. the fruit cup was good. mark took a lil bit of everyones b/c i guess he really likes fruit. then i got up and left to get a drink and by the time i came back rueben and tiff's water had salt in it and their glasses were relocated to the other end of the table. (we got glasses as a souvenir. the females got wine glasses, and the guys got just glasses.) well then rueben and tiffany finally came back to the table. we all just sat there and talked until the salad came. well even tho there was almost no dressing when i started on mine it was still good. (i went with italian when i always use ranch for salads.) next we got to go to the buffet to get the scrumptious buffet food. i got a lil bit of everything. the only good food up there was the stuffed chicken. then we sat and bs'ed some more. then our desserts came. it was (from the top) a layer of whipped cream, a double layer of choc mousse, then another layer of whipped cream. it was soooo good, but the mousse left me feeling sick. i guess it was too rich. tiffany only ate the dessert. she said that she wasnt hungry for the rest. idk what is up with her but she seemed a lil odd. oh well. then after sitting there talking the lights went down and the music started. as soon as this happened mikulan and i had to go and get our pictures. i hope that they turned out nice. then we went back out and i put my jacket back at the table and then went onto the floor. well since i really hate dances i thought these next 2 hrs would have been terrible. i was with jess manns crew so i knew most, if not all, of them. melissa and amanda t. were dancin and then i just felt the groove workin up from my toes. it was amazing. even though im really self-conscious i danced. rob was worse than me. i didnt want to dance at all. i thought about it while dancing that my dance as of now consists of one foot in front of the other and just a sway from front-to-back and then maybe if im feelin adventurous i would go side-to-side. no arms. im thinking i am going to take this one step at a time. well i talked to kels prob the most out of all the girls in my grade. well while dancing at least. we did the cotton eyed joe together. jess screamed "How delightfully white trash." i just bursted out laughin b/c i knew that it came from family guy. then i got to dance with sam and jj. that was a bit odd. sam grabbed my ass...wait maybe it was jj. it was one of them. then again it could be either of them. well we love them both still. well i really had soo much fun regular dancing. then i got to see some interesting slow dancing. Jackie and her b/f seemed to be devouring each other. someone looked like they were going to lose an upper lip. i got to see kels dance with regis. that made me happy. good things do happen to good ppl. im not saying anything is going on just im glad that she enjoyed herself. then prom was offically over. we got back in the limo and went to station square. we walked about there for a bit then went to starbucks. i dont like coffee so i didnt get anything. then after awhile of walking around jess slean and her cream showed up. it was nice to see them. i talked to them for a bit then we left and went back to manns house. we ate and ate all night. we wanted to watch a movie so we watched Sorority Boys. i had never seen it. it was extremely funny. then everyone slowly tapered off throughout the night. the dubloons that were taken at prom were being thrown throughout manns house. and the fun phrase for the evening was "Two for the Pink, One for the Stink." casey said it about 15x all night. it was just so funny. then scott had caffeine pills and gave them out and then he said that they would help. he went right to sleep. it was soo funny. then i cant remember when but i sat on top of michelle and she was like AHHH THIS HURTS. so later i told her that i love her b/c shes so funny and i was in a good mood. then she says that she still hurts from the last time we had sex. i just laughed my ass off. everyone started laughing. then later i sat on her again started rocking and she said that i like ripped her open. (i think so at least. maybe i just did and there was no need to say so.) then at like 630 when it was only kate, michelle, and me still up we listened to Johnny Glockenspiel on the Kids Only music station on jess's digital cable. we started to sing and jess got sooo pissed. then jess got up and went down stairs where everyone else went to sleep. she slide down the steps and landed on her heel. then she went down the next set of steps and since it was pitch black she hit the computer chair. when she tried to get over it, it bitch slapped her. it was sooo funny. then michelle finally fell asleep. it was only me and kate remaining. we just watched mtv and music vids. i fell asleep. kate on the other hand never did. i fell asleep around 7 and woke up around 930. poor kate. she could have woke me up if she needed me. when i woke up tho i had bobby pins on the couch next to me. i just yelled at her. well then i had breakfast and went home. i got home today and i took a shower then went over yourish's to discuss prom. we went upstairs to watch tv with her mom and the 3 of us fell asleep. her dad just laughed at us. well that is my prom weekend. it was soooooo fun. i cant wait til next yr.
Update: Prom Queen - Jenna Ladie Prom King - Nick Bonazza 0 Comment(s)